Mile High Designs, llc isn’t your ordinary remodeling and design company. We combine the design services of a large contracting firm with the quality and customer service of a small family owned business. Our years of experience in the field and our dedication to customer service lead to better design, better service and better value.
Decks, Basement Finishes, Pergolas, Kitchen Renovations, Patios, Bathroom Renovations & More
Better Design
Why put up with being ordinary? Mile High Designs, llc can help you put your own stamp on any project.
Better Service
Why put up with poor customer service? At Mile High Designs, llc you won’t get lost in the crowd.
Better Value
When you think about “bang for the buck”, the buck stops here! Will we be the cheapest contractor you can find? Probably not… but we will offer the best product that your money can buy, that’s our focus.